Friday, September 11, 2015

About Me

Hi my name is Diana. I am a Davis Scholar at Wellesley College. I major in Psychology and intend to become a clinical social worker who will make a difference in the lives of others. I believe in a holistic approach that addresses the body, mind and the human being in the context of his/her environment. Becoming aware of the forces that can affect wellbeing is vital for our species. Part of these forces include access to resources that can improve one’s life, such as access to clean water, clean air, healthy noise level, inexpensive energy sources, and affordable education. Prior to coming to Wellesley College, I took classes in biology, anatomy, and physiology. Additionally, I took classes in architecture, which included sustainability and building materials. The Making a Difference through Engineering course at Wellesley College is an exciting continuation of this journey towards awareness. I look forward to leaning more how we, currently students, can contribute – even on a very small scale -- to the technology that will ease the suffering encountered by human beings in the US and in other parts of the word.

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